FlynnCare Clinics
Specialty EHR – Single practitioner, Group practice Clinic, Multi site Hospital, Multi-department Hospital.
Patient Experience Management system
Patient experience & practice revenue focus
- Patient relationship management
- Drive Patient’s follow-up visits with data from EHR
- Automated Reminders for prescription compliance, follow-up visits
- Integrated payer mapping for optimal patient billing
- Integrated inventory with POS & practice billing
Specialty Electronic Health Records
Data driven precision medicine & clinical insights
- Convert un-structured data into clinical insights
- Digitally map Patient’s Clinical Journey
- Longitudinal health records -> Map Visits, Episodes over patient’s lifetime
- E-Prescription
- Evidence based personalized Care plan
- Computer aided diagnosis
- Bigdata backend for deep clinical analysis
- Edge computing – Local server or Cloud access
One click configurable workflows to suit requirements in any country
- Audit trails and controls